Yoga for Writers Release Day

Today sees the official release of Yoga for Writers, my first non-fiction book. Many writers talk of writing the book of their heart, and I would say this is probably mine. I’ve been a yoga practitioner and teacher for many years and have found that yoga provides an ideal solution to the demands of being a writer.

YFW Front Cover 1

Many people might think that the life of a writer is less physically demanding than many other occupations, but if you spend much of your day in an job that requires sitting at a desk for long periods of time you know otherwise. Immobility can lead to tense muscles, especially in the neck, shoulders and spine, and the pain and discomfort can equal that of a person engaged in more manual work. There is also the possibility of eye strain, shallow breathing caused by poor posture, a slowing down of the circulation, and myriad other problems. Thankfully, yoga can offer relief.

Try YOGA FOR WRITERS – Simple Stretches for the Desk-Bound. Available now in paperback and on Kindle.

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